10 Things to Do Before a Test

10 Things to do before a test

You know that old familiar feeling: your heart pounds, your breath accelerates, and forget butterflies – you’ve got bald eagles barreling around your insides! There must be a test in the near future.

There are 10 things you can do before a test to help alleviate test anxiety and absorb the information needed to achieve your target score. The ability to remain calm and centered, in the midst of testing jitters, is equally important as accessing the brilliant knowledge stored in your brain.  If you practice these “10 Things To Do Before A Test,” you’ll begin to see your test scores rise.

– Countdown:  A couple of weeks before the Test

A couple of weeks before the test

1. Study. Yeah, well, you can’t avoid it.  You have to get all that information into your brain somehow, right? Take notes, re-write information you have trouble remembering, make flash cards, draw pictures, create rhymes.  Do whatever you need to learn and remember crucial information.

2. Get a Tutor.  If studying isn’t working, it’s time to hire an experienced professional. The Premier Tutors is the perfect resource to get the help you need. Believe it or not, learning can be fun when you find the right learning mentor. Tutors often have alternative ways of explaining things that are more suited to your learning style.

– Countdown: The day before the TestThe day before the test

3. Do Sample Problems.  On your way to school or during breaks, review sample problems or questions. Have a friend or parent quiz you. Flash cards are one of the best tools for studying. Not only do they provide an opportunity for you to write the information – and repetition is the key when it comes to learning new concepts – they are an easy tool to use on your own, or for someone else to use, to test your knowledge.

4. You Are What You Eat.  That bag of chips and a soda may be what your taste buds want but they are not what your body needs before a test.  The better nourished you are, the better your brain will function. Eat whole grains, fruits and veggies.  They will give you more energy and help your brain remember important facts. Avoid caffeine and sugars which can increase jitters and cause caffeine/sugar crashes once they’re absorbed.

– Countdown: The night before the TestThe night before the test

5. Get Plenty of Sleep.  Allowing yourself to get a good night’s sleep should always be a priority but even more so the night before your test.  Cramming the night before is the worst thing you can do.  A well-rested brain is much more likely to respond under pressure.

6. Visualize a Positive Outcome. Picture yourself sitting at your desk taking the test.  Imagine all of the answers bubbling effortlessly to the top of your consciousness. Visualize your target score.

Yikes its test day!– Countdown: Yikes! It’s TEST DAY!

7. Get Up Earlier Than Usual. Allow yourself an extra 15-30 minutes to wake up and eat a healthy breakfast. Do a quick run through of your sample questions, unless you feel it will make you more anxious.

8. Breathe Deep. When you feel anxiety building, take slow breaths.  Focus on a deep inhale and a full exhale, which will calm your nerves and reset your brain.  This technique also oxygenates your brain and gives it an extra energy boost.

9. Walk Confidently.  You’ve done all you can to prepare, now enjoy the confidence of knowing you’re giving it your all. Take pride in your newfound test skills.

10. Be Forgiving.  If you don’t get the results you want, forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.  It’s a process of learning what your teacher expects so you can better prepare for the next test.

Have some tips of your own? Add them to the comments section!

What to do before test day

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