Tag Archives: exam strategy

How to Help Your Child Study

Help your child study

Finals are approaching fast, and sometimes parents find themselves more nervous than their kids. This is especially true if your kids have been academically challenged this year and you know that their final grades are essential to whether they pass or fail a subject.

Watching your kids’ grades slip is extremely frustrating, because often, even when they put in the effort, their grades don’t reflect the work or their potential. It’ll make you and your kids feel helpless, and that’s no good—you need a study skills program. A successful program is one that both fosters a student’s positive attitude towards studying and lights the path to noticeable improvement on tests and finals.

If you take the time to implement these three skill boosters, you’ll be amazed by the results. Once you get going, try and make them a part of frequent study sessions so that homework time in your household is streamlined and your children get used to a predictable schedule. Continue reading

Curb Your Procrastination

This is a scenario we’re all familiar with: you’re getting ready to study, but you decide to clean up your room first, so you don’t get distracted; or run an errand, so you can really get studying without potential distractions; or any number of things that’ll get in the way of your actually finishing that assignment or prepping for that test. This is procrastination—the bane of every student’s existence, the scholar’s constant temptation, and the wrench in the gears of academic progress!

Here’s the thing: procrastination does you no good. Even while you’re doing it, it’s not like you’re enjoying yourself, because the whole time you’re anxious about the work you should be doing but aren’t. So let’s deal with this thing.

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Learn to F.O.C.U.S.

learn to focus

It’s easy to just tell someone to focus, just focus, and you’ll get straight A’s. But what does that even mean? It’s a big word for only five letters, and we’re going to explain it.

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