Category Archives: Links

Useful Links for students and parents

Links -> Study Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want

Academic Earth - Boston Private Tutoring

Education as we know it is undergoing a complete transformation. With a growing number of colleges and universities offering online degrees, the ability to learn things that you previously never had time (or the money) for is now becoming a reality. Many of the top schools across the world are now providing online lectures, many of which are free.

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Links -> Grammar -> Idioms

idioms - Private Tutoring

Idioms are linguistic conventions in which certain words go with certain other words, and English is a particularly idiomatic language. Kids usually learn idioms in the sixth grade, and then forget about them until they have to study for the GMAT and other such tests.

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Links -> Vocab Tools 2

Freerice - Private Tutoring

Beef up your vocabulary and save the world at the same time! FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to the World Food Program every time you get a word right. Not only will you be helping out the needy, which is its own reward, the wordgame is actually pretty addictive.

If you set up a profile on the website, it’ll keep track of all the words whose definitions you knew, and those you missed, so the test adapts to your vocabulary. The more words you get right, the harder the words it’ll throw at you, making it one of the better vocab tools available.

Links: Vocab Tools 1

Merriam Webster - Private Tutoring


Online dictionaries as vocab tools:

Use the Merriam-Webster website to really get to work on your vocabulary. In addition to being an excellent free and online dictionary, Merriam-Webster also has an extremely useful word of the day option, making it one of the best vocab tools out there. They will send you a word every single day in your email. These will be words you’ll definitely need for your SAT but there will also be many rare words that you wouldn’t normally come across. Merriam-Webster will also give you the history and etymology of these words, which, trust us, is way more interesting than it sounds.


Links -> Standardized Test (SAT/ACT/GRE) Tools – The Premier Tutors

number2 - Pricate Tutoring

For help with standardized tests, you can’t go wrong with, in our humble opinion, among the best of its kind.

These guys offer help with every aspect of standardized tests — use tutorials and practice drills to get all your test questions answered, develop study strategies and build your vocabulary.

Best of all: it’s FREE!

Links -> Math at -> All-in-one

math - Private Tutoring

Anyone’s who’s struggling with math should definitely check out

The website will help you with every last bit of math using tutorials so you can try your hand at practice questions for elementary math all the way to advanced trigonometry and financial calculations. It’s math help for all ages — check it out.